Boy Meets Girl

Author:Cabot, Meg
Title: Boy Meets Girl
Genre: Chick Lit
Publication Date: 2004
Number of Pages: 387
Geographical Setting: New York City
Time Period: Present day

The story is told from a series of emails, instant messages, journal entries, to do lists exchanged between characters in the story. Kate MacKenzie the main character recently moved out from her long time boyfriend Dale who would not commit to marriage. She is taken in by her newly married best friend and husband – Jen and Craig Sadler. The story progresses, with the ex boy friend desperately wanting her back and subsequently creating lot of scene with her refusal.
As the Personnel Representative – Human Resources Department of The New York Journal, Kate is ordered by her (unpopular) boss Amy but known as – T.O.D. (Tyrannical Office Despot), to fire the baker for refusing to serve a senior officer a piece of pie. Unfortunately, the fired employee sues the the New York Journal for wrongful termination, no – “breach of contract”.
Now, Kate is named as one of the defendants in the lawsuit. The start of this legal arbitration sets wheels of events rolling, leading to a new romantic venture for Kate, conspiracies, and some love trysts.

There are multiple plot threads going on at the same time involving family issues, friendship, and trust which intertwines and eventually connects back to the main story. An interesting angle is the plot of the cute defense lawyer who Kate is beginning to fall in love with and who happens to be Kate’s boss’ fiancé’s brother. This creates additional level of complexities making the book so much harder to put down – you are compelled to follow the unraveling of this situation.
This is a really heartwarming story, realistic plot with laugh out loud rhetorics. Anyone who loves romance without the “mushy” part of it would enjoy this.

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